Comparing A Song of Ice and Fire with Lord of the Rings

Yes, they are both two extremely different book series almost in different genres but you have to admit that there is a lot of similarities in them and much of them may have been derivative as George R.R. Martin, called a literary dervish, has said that Lord of the Rings was an inspiration for his amazing, breathtakingly huge series. Here are some similarities found in the two biggest novel-based franchises as of today –

Comparing A Song of Ice and Fire with Lord of the RingsComparing A Song of Ice and Fire with Lord of the Rings

1. Age-old prophecies

Obvious or not ?

2. The Dark Lord was defeated once in ancient times but they will return and a hero will return too

Sauron was defeated by Isildur and so was the Night Kin during the Long Night.

3. Dragons


4. Dothraki and the Rohirrim

While Dothraki are much more barbaric as compared to the Riders of Rohan, the basic point , i.e, culture based on men and their love for their horses is quite similar.

5. One part of the fantasy map in one corner where the enemy existed, the part that is shunned by others

Mordor, surrounded by Mountains, people kept away usually except some wild tribes of men, same with the North beyond the wall where the White Walkers were said to live.

6. The Men came from sea to inhabit most of Middle Earth , so did the Targareyans.

The Targareyans came from Valyria whereas Men came from Numenor, both of which were destroyed utterly.


7. Monstrous servants made by , under the rule of the Enemy (Wights, Orcs)

The Wights were men made like this by Walkers and the Orcs were a different species created by the Dark Lord in lieu of the Elves.

 8. The Elves and the Targaryen

While the Elves are a different race in themselves, they bear similarity with the Tarayens who were also considered unearthly especially due to their power to control dragons. Another similarity is the white hair symbolizes godliness.

9. The Wall in ASOIAF and the Mountains of Mordor

The shunned part of the world where the enemy used to live is barred by a huge structure and guarded by men. The Mountains of Mordor may have been natural and the Wall man-made but the basic concept the similar.

10. The Black Rides and the White Walkers

The Black Riders, once men created by the Dark Lord to serve him, with extraordinary powers. Sounds a lot like the White Walkers who were also created by The Night King ( The Dark Lord of ASOIAF )

11. Standing in front of roaring armies with a long sword

This similarity is from the adaptations and not the original content.

12. The main antagonist once used to be a normal man.

The Night King was created by the Children of the Forest. Sauron was once also a good guy, standing on the same level as the Wizards but became a Dark Lord after the death of Morgoth .

13. Betrayal of a much-needed friend

While in ASOIAF, there are no definite good guys, the Starks are the closest to the protagonists we can come to. They were betrayed by the Freys ( who were bribed by Lord Tywin ) when they were desperately needed. Similarly, the Fellowship was betrayed by Saruman during utter need ( By Gandalf ) after he was bribed by Sauron ( to rule by his side ).


14. The main guy, going good, going bad, again and again, heir to an important throne

Jaime and Boromir. While Boromir went through this phase due to the temptation of the ring and Jaime went through it due to a long list of trials of self-discovery, the basic concept remains the same. Another similarity in these two characters was that their fathers expected much from them but was utterly disappointed.

15.Oliphaunts and Mammoths

Oliphaunts derived from Elephants, but much bigger and much monstrous and Mammoths derived from Mammoths but much bigger and monstrous.


Any more, lemme know in the comments!



2 thoughts on “Comparing A Song of Ice and Fire with Lord of the Rings

    1. I know about the Hero’s Journey. The Lord of the Rings is a perfect example of it but A Song of Ice and Fire is much more different.

      Thank you for the compliment !


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